Directed by Chris Smith, who recently helmed the Netflix documentary "Wham!", "DEVO" features sit-downs with three bandmates - Gerald Casale, Bob Lewis, and Mark Mothersbaugh – and is peppered with clips from some of the band's earliest gigs.
Devo's music and videos were a perfect fit for MTV when it shook up the music industry in the early 1980s. However, a few years later, the band hit a roadblock when they couldn't replicate the success of their first gold record, "Whip It." Eventually, the band members went their separate ways, but their music continues to live on as the band reunites for occasional gigs, including a performance in Park City during this year's Festival.
The film's soundtrack is a highlight, featuring most of the band's top hits throughout the film. Overall, "DEVO" is a fitting tribute to one of the most iconic bands of the 1980s, and a film worth watching for anyone who loves new wave or wants to learn more about Devo's backstory.