At Wednesday evening’s Park City Planning Commission meeting, the parking plan for the proposed base development project at Park City Mountain Resort was…
During Wednesday’s Park City Planning Commission meeting, members of the public raised concerns over the accuracy of the developer’s plans for the base…
At a recent Park City Council meeting, PEG Companies, the developer of the projects replacing the parking lots at the base of Park City Mountain Resort,…
On today's Local News Hour:( 00:04) Charlie Sturgis with this weeks Mountain Trails Report.( 02:44) Robert Schmidt from PEG Companies with an update on…
The developers of the proposed base area of Park City Mountain Resort say they are aiming for the construction to be at least 15% more sustainable than…
The Park City Council will be meeting in a special meeting Tuesday to take a look at the Park City Mountain Base affordable housing mitigation plan as…
The Park City planning commission will conduct a site tour of the Park City Mountain Resort base area parking lot development area Wednesday afternoon.…
The Park City Planning Commission will take another look at the PEG development application at the base of Park City Mountain. The scope of the project is…
The Park City Planning Commission met Wednesday reviewing the Park City Mountain base development. City planning staff hopes to have a decision from the…
The Park City Planning Commission meets this evening with two proposed development projects on the agenda: the Park City Mountain Resort parking lot…