Summit Community Garden Executive Director Sloane Johnson has an end-of-season gardens update.
On today's Local News Hour, host Leslie Thatcher's guests are: (04:46) High Valley Transit District Executive Director Caroline Rodriguez highlighting Monday's groundbreaking for the new transit facility, (22:50) Park City Manager Matt Dias and Transportation Director Matthew Neely preview this week's city council meeting, (49:40) and Summit Community Gardens Executive Director Sloane Johnson finishes the hour with a gardens update.
On today's Local News Hour, host Leslie Thatcher's guests are: (06:47) Heber City Executive Assistant Luke Searle sharing details on applying for the second class of Heber Leadership Academy; (21:58) Park City Community Foundation Vice President of Communications Christine Coleman on the roll-out of this year's Live PC Give PC; and (35:19) Summit Community Gardens Executive Director Sloane Johnson with news about August in the garden.
Summit Community Gardens is hosting its native plant sale next week – and something new this year – the sale won’t be held at the garden but across the street at Park City Nursery.
Summit Community Gardens Executive Director Sloane Johnson has a gardens update.
On today's Local News Hour, host Leslie Thatcher's guests include: (05:54) Moe Hickey, Executive Director of Voices for Utah Children, has an update on DACA student status, (25:18) Park Silly Sunday Executive Director Kate McChesney and Director of Operations & Vendor Logistics Michelle McDonald has details about this year's market that opens Sunday and (38:02) Summit Community Gardens Executive Director Sloane Johnson has a gardens update.
Summit Community Gardens Executive Director Sloane Johnson has a wrap up for the season and a reminder for current plot owners that they have till the end of the month to renew their plot for next season.
The Local News Hour guests today include: Live Like Sam Founder Ron Jackenthal who has details on the launch of scholarships for local students to fund youth service projects, Park City Manager Matt Dias with a preview of Thursday's meeting, a debrief of the Park Silly Sunday Market, Kimball Arts Festival update and details about the Bonanza Art park and then Summit Community Gardens Executive Director Sloane Johnson has details about the past season and a reminder for current plot owners that they have until the end of the month to renew their plot for next season.
On today's Local News Hour:(04:16) - Rick Brough reports on Summit County Health Board gets good news mixed with concerns.(09:00) - Park City Municipal…
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