As part of its Sustainable Tourism plan that was adopted earlier this year, the Park City Chamber Bureau is involved in several new projects that will roll out in the new year to try to ease the impact of tourism on residents.
Interim Summit County Manager Janna Young shares what to expect at the next meeting, Summit County Council candidate Jack Murphy stops by and Park City Chamber Bureau CEO Jennifer Wesselhoff has a sustainable tourism update.
Park City Chamber Bureau CEO Jennifer Wesselhoff and Director of Sustainable Tourism Morgan Mingle share an update on Sustainable Tourism in Utah.
Park City Municipal’s Vision 2020 process has revealed what many community members fear the city’s fate will be: “Amusement Park City,” a town where…
The 15th annual Park City Extreme Soccer games begin this Friday with finals set for Sunday. Junior players will compete on fields throughout Summit and…
On Thursday's Local News Hour, host Leslie Thatcher speaks with Summit County Council member Claudia McMullin about Mountain Accord and the six-month…