Here's the 2023 flood season by the numbers.
Now that flooding risks have all but gone away, what do you do with all those sandbags? Summit County has specific rules about how residents can dispose of them.
Because of record snowpack this winter, water managers said reservoir levels are higher than they’ve been in recent years.
Recent snowmelt and rain have caused flooding at both Daniel’s Creek and Strawberry River, and both areas are bracing for more.
With lower-than-normal precipitation in April, Utah’s snowpack is steadily declining. But mountains around the Wasatch Back aren’t even a quarter of the way done melting.
Homeowners in Samak got help from neighboring communities, passersby and heavy machinery from as far away as Georgia during Monday afternoon's flood.
The Summit County Sheriff’s Office now says no crime was committed after sandbags were placed in Willow Creek Sunday night, causing flooding in some areas.
As the largest snowpack ever recorded in Utah threatens to overflow reservoirs in Wasatch County, the Great Salt Lake needs more water to survive. That has local water managers thinking outside the box.
Willow Creek already flooded this month, which has residents thinking it will flood again. But there are ways to mitigate the risk.
The National Weather Service said it expects the water level to rise significantly in East Canyon Creek this weekend.