It’s that time of year again to start cleaning your closets and garages and make some money or room for new winter gear. The annual Park City Ski Swap is now accepting equipment and clothing for sale.
The first of the four-part trail series starts Thursday at the Utah Olympic Park.
Due to popular demand, Park City Ski and Snowboard is offering a new youth sports division program for children ages 7 to 9.
On today's Local News Hour, host Leslie Thatcher's guests are: (11:42) Park City Ski and Snowboard Director of Events and Community Engagement Adam Loomis and Cross County Director Emma Garrard have details about the fall trail series, (22:08) Park City Trails and Open Space Manager Heinrich Deters and David Telian, owner of Alpine Forestry, talk about the Treasure Wildfire project, and (38:15) Utah Open Lands Executive Director Wendy Fisher highlights recent open space conservation including 300 acres at Sundance.
On today's Local News Hour host Leslie Thatcher's guest include: (06:02) Park City Historic Alliance Executive Director Ginger Wicks has an update from this month's HPCA board meeting, (21:46) Park City Ski and Snowboard Executive Director Christie Hind, Snowboard Coach Sam Everett and Director of Freeski Chris "Hatch" Haslock have an update on end of season championships and how the organization works with SafeSport to prevent all forms of abuse in sport and (37:07) Park City Chamber Bureau CEO Jennifer Wesselhoff has a monthly update and the latest on sustainable tourism.
Park City Ski and Snowboard Moguls Director Mikaela Wilson with an athlete update.
Today's guests on the Local News Hour include: Summit County Health Dept. Director Phil Bondurant with a monthly update, Park City Ski and Snowboard Director of Ski Jumping and Ski Mountaineering Adam Loomis and Pete Stoughton talking about upcoming events and Park City Education Foundation Executive Director Abby McNulty has an update on programs offered by the foundation.
Park City Ski and Snowboard Director of Ski Jumping and Ski Mountaineering Adam Loomis and Pete Stoughton talk about upcoming events.
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